Friday, October 18, 2013


You wouldn't believe how irritated I've been since I realized that I didn't do my first Diva Challenge correctly.  Somehow I just missed the word "monotangle." 

I spent a good deal of time yesterday trying to draw perfect Fibonacci Spirals.  Then watched this very cool video about them (if your interested, I highly suggest you check it out, I'll post the video at the end of this entry.)

Then... I had a magical dream last night about spiral-y things, pointillism and pastel pencils (& luckily this morning work has been slow slow slooowww); SO, in less than an hour I came up with this:
Diva Challenge #140
It's not perfect (it's certainly not a Fibonacci,) but the colors are what make it so darn fun.  The white parts were done with a white woodless graphite pencil, & all the rest is done with CarbOthello Pastel Pencils.  Pastels are so great for pointillism.  Overlaying the dots sort of smudge the colors very slightly together.  Also, how great do they look on black Canson board?  (Am I right, or am I right?)  Click on the picture to see it larger... just to look at all the little dots & layers. 

I really love color.

Now that I actually have completed the challenge correctly, I can be satisfied.  Not perfect or particularly good, but hey - I took a stab at it, & trying is the only way to learn!

Now... if you wanna see that video, here it is

Doodling in Math Class: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. Very fun tile, and I like the look of the pastels. The video was such fun!

  2. Nice layers and combination of colors. I do not know if the directions meant that were suppose to only use one tangle or Monotangle referred to doing the whole tile/ZIA using pointillism. Either way, you were able to get more practice.

  3. I wish I had thought of using pastel pencils, thanks for sharing this idea.
    Your tile is very beautiful.

  4. Wonderful tile! I like your way of colorilng with the pastel pencils!

  5. Wonderful texture and flow, love the black on white with the color added.
